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Wall Mounted Hat Rack, Hat Rack

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  • Product Code: KML664
  • Stock: In stock

Price : 2,40 $

Hat Holder products, which are among the Store Decoration accessory holders, are frequently used in sports store decorations.

One of the wall shelf systems, it can be easily mounted and fixed on a flat wall or on wooden surfaces by screwing...

Wall hat carriers are hat holder products that can easily hold all kinds of hats and allow you to properly store and display your products.

Hat holders and hat hangers are made of 5 mm bent metal shaft.

Products in special colors can be made upon request...

Features of Hat Rack and Hat Hanger that Can Be Screwed to the Wall and Chipboard
Surface: Black (Electrostatic powder paint)
Material: Steel
Dimension: 225mm x Ø145mm, H: 150mm

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