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Pharmach H Type Retail Display Gondola Rack

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  • Product Code: MZ207
  • Brand: Pharmacy Stand
  • Stock: In stock

Price : 407,50 $

Pharmacy H Type Medium  Gondola Stand products

The wooden parts are white mdflam and the other hanger and glass shelf parts are made of aluminum paneling profile

pharmacy middle stands, pharmacy rack systems are products that we frequently encounter

In the middle stands of the pharmacy, both the glass shelf system and the hanging system can be made, this pharmacy increases the demands of the middle stands

The pharmacy is a stand with a medium stand and can easily be taken from one place to another in the store with ease

Stand Package Items

Pharmacy stand - 1 unit

Pharmacy Stand Strap Hook - 15cm ---- 18 pcs

Pharmacy Stand Glass Shelf Holder --- 8 set

Glass Shelf for Pharmacy Stand --- 8 pieces

Pharmacy stands are made of horizontal aluminum paneling profiles, and wooden mdflam material.
Stand Package Items
Pharmacy stand - 1 unit
Pharmacy Stand Strap Hook - 15cm ---- 18 pcs
Pharmacy Stand Glass Shelf Holder --- 8 sets
Glass Shelf for Pharmacy Stand --- 8 pieces
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 store decoration, Light-duty round gondola shelf/supermarket stands/pharmacy display shelving/design rack , Medicine Cabinets, Pharmacy, Display Shelves, High Level, Solid Wood, Exhibition Stands, Hardwood, Medicine Cabinet , Metal easy-install supermarket product display /metal pillow display rack/ pharmacy display stand , Display Stands for Pharmacy Display Rack, Pharmacy Display Stand , shop retail mineral pharmacy display rack, protein pharmacy display stand, metal

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