Hanger Stand Flat
Terms of Delivery -
Returns and Exchanges - Product Code: MZ214
- Brand: Garment Rack Stand
- Stock: In stock
Price :
19,40 $
As a store hanger stand, it is one of the store display stands which are frequently used in clothing stores.
Hanger Stands on the hanger are stainless satine hanger pipes and the other parts of the stand are painted with black electrostatic powder oven.
Hanger Stand Flat Specifications
Surface: Electrostatic powder coating (black,)
Material: Steel
Size: 600x1250mm h: 1450mm
Packing: 1 piece
Store Display Stand Hanger Stand can be made in Stainless Satin or Stainless Polished according to your demand Hanger Stand Flat, hanger stand, hanger stands,
store hanger stands, donkey hanger stand, luxury hanger stand, decorative hanger stands, store display stands